02 Jan

Values4All now available on E-thaksalawa and Google Play Store

venue : Sri Lanka
Date : 01/02/2019
Time : 11:30 AM

Values4All is now available online to download! The app is based on a values curriculum developed by The Asia Foundation with support from a values education specialist, and in close consultation with youth, teachers, principals, religious leaders and community leaders. The curriculum covers seven values common to all, such as; active listening, peace, respect, tolerance, compassion, honesty and sincerity and working together (cooperation). Values4All is available in Sinhala, Tamil and English and includes a training guide, as well as video tutorials with narratives and sign language to ensure an inclusive understanding of values by all youth. You can download the app via the following platforms: - Google Play store: - e-thaksalawa, the national e-learning portal hosted by the Ministry of Education: - or scan the QR code. The curriculum promotes interactive activities that can be used by anyone with an interest in encouraging commitment to positive values. The purpose is for the module to be used with groups of young people across youth clubs. It also remains flexible enough that it can be used in other contexts, such as schools. The material is adaptable and can be altered to reflect examples from the participants’ local area or made appropriate for different age groups.